Local Florists

Many local florists offer a wide range of floral arrangements for funeral services, including traditional wreaths, sprays, and baskets, as well as more personalized arrangements that incorporate specific colors, flowers, or symbols that are meaningful to the deceased or their family. You can work with the florist to create a custom design, or choose from their existing selection of funeral arrangements.

It’s Your Day at Smith’s Florist

406 Main St. WHartselle, AL 35640



Apple’s Florist and Gifts

60 Railroad Ave

Falkville, AL 35622

(256) 784-9264


Southern Roots Flowers and Gifts

1727 S Bethel Rd Suite C

Priceville, AL 35603

(256) 502-2914

Simpson's Florist

902 6th Ave SE

Decatur, AL 35601

(256) 353-7654


McBride Florist

805 6th Ave SE

Decatur, AL 35601

(256) 355-6991


Mary Burke Florist

602 Moulton St E

Decatur, AL 35601

(256) 353-3092


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